Thursday 3 November 2011


Today we wrote up a list of things that we needed to do and downloaded the footage from day 1 and day 2 onto the D Drive.

We also started to look at the clips which we want to use/could use within our trailer and designed our storyboard according to this. Also using influence from our research to help us more so.

As we now have all our raw material we have made a list of things we need to do to finish the products.

  • Storyboard of process
  • Decide on which clips to use
  • Decide what else is going to be placed in the trailer
  • Choose the sound and graphics
Poster & Magazine:
  • More research for film posters and magazines
  • Start designing the poster (multiple copies for ideas)
  • Display compositions
  • Sort the order of the blog out
  • Post most, if not everyday about whatever is done in lessons

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