Wednesday, 5 October 2011


Teaser Trailer

Genre: Horror (could be slightly comical)

Inspiration: The Cottage, Jumanji, Cluedo, Scary Movie

Plot ideas/developments- 
• A group of friends are having a gathering at a friend’s house which is conveniently placed in a desolate farm. They are sat in the living room with a pile of board games and lots of six packs of cheap larger. Start off with a light feeling, cheerful music, a nice relaxed feel
• They are talking; someone suggests a game of Cluedo as they spot it in the pile of games/ someone has brought the game ‘specially’/ they are bored of normal games and want to try something more adventurous. Reading the description on the box instantly entices the group into play without thinking of the consequences.
• As they begin to play players go out of the room for certain things, food, drinks, bathroom etc...
• People start to realise that their friends aren’t coming back, they start to investigate. They start to see that people are being killed off one by one.
• The people leave the game unfinished and split up to go in search of people who went missing. When people find others who have died, they begin to question why the murders are taking place...

The teaser trailer needs to be/include;
1. The characters. Clearly show what characters are playing the game and what characters they are given in the game
2. Music (adjusting to the happenings on screen)
3. Close ups (showing vulnerability)
4. Titles
5. Narrating- styled like Jigsaw (Saw films)
6. Sound bursts (The sound gets faster and louder as the flashes become quicker and tenser on screen).

Editing/Filming Ideas
1) When someone is killed, a fade out/ zoom out could be used and then a shot of the board game with the character on in the exact place where the person was murdered. The dice could roll and characters could move on their own- with a low grinding moving noise.
2) A sound or song can be used to show the coming of the “murder”. So when the song is played people will know something bad is going to happen (kind of like paranormal activity where when the time changes to night, people instantly get scared because they know something bad will happen). The music could come from the radio, a phone, TV etc.
3) Red herrings must be used so people don’t guess who actually is doing the murders in the trailer, they must be enticed to go and watch the film so minimum detail should be used to keep them interested.
4) Mood must start off soft and relaxing, then the shots must increase in speed and time until the cuts are quick and frantic, meaning the pace will increase thus making it a lot more frantic.
5) When someone dies, the focus needs to go on the specific colour that will represent their character in the game. This is so we know which character has died and who is clearly left in the game.
6) Close ups of the board game could be used, and positions could be used for where the different people are around the house.

Poster Ideas:
1) A line up of all the different characters with the different colours. Showing what type of character they are. Different poses.
2) Poster broken up with the different characters holding each weapon
3) Focus on the weapons
4) Someones eye with all the weapons and/or the characters reflecting from it

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